
Harnessing Technology: The Latest Tools and Software for Trades Services Businesses

Published on
October 4, 2023
Post by
Chris Calamos
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Working in the field, whether you’re a tradie on the tools, a cleaner keeping workplaces and public spaces safe and clean or a technician working on fixing anything from photocopiers to HVAC systems, you inevitably spend part of your day on administrative tasks that rob you of billable time and sap your enthusiasm.  

The problem isn’t that there’s no advice on how to reduce the admin time. There’s so much advice, often coming from people selling their specific product or service. So, how do you cut through all that and find the tools that will help?  

Here are five tech tools that will let you focus on your customers, getting the job done right the first time and spend less time in the office.  

1. Mobile devices

Your smartphone can do much more than make and receive calls and text and check your email. The camera can capture images, video and audio so you can capture an accurate record of what you see on site.  

And then there are tablets, many of which let you write freehand on the screen to capture notes and can be easier to use for the less nimble of users. Tablets are great for storing and reviewing technical manuals, larger images and drawings, and checking the internet for the latest information.  

Information on specific jobs can change at any time and without notice. And staff can arrive on site and discover something new that needs to be actioned. The ability to convey this information up the line is critical. Collecting, sharing and securing information on a job is essential.

While there’s the Apple vs Android battle, there is not a huge difference in their capability – they just do things in slightly different ways. Pick a device you like to use and invest in a ruggedised case.

2. SaaS software

The days of installing software are quickly becoming a piece of history. As long as you have an internet connection you can now access a huge variety of software to assist your business. For example, you can use job management software to generate quotes or issue invoices while onsite – no more bits of paper or handwriting on forms while eating lunch in the van.

The variety of software available is huge – everything from time-tracking, collaboration tools, inventory management, scheduling, accounting through to customer relationship management systems that let you save everything you know about your customers in one place.  

The right software on a mobile device can be a huge time-saver.  

For example, you can use job management software to generate quotes or issue invoices while onsite – no more bits of paper or handwriting on forms while eating lunch in the van.

3. Automation

Lots of administrative tasks, like reconciling payments against invoices, preparing stuff for your accountant, payroll and then reconciling everything again is tedious and repetitive. There are tools, called Robotic Process Automation (RPA) or Intelligent Process Automation (IPA, but not the beer!) that can automate these processes so you can push a button and they run quickly and automatically.  

As well as saving you time, they don’t make mistakes because they don’t get tired, distracted or overwhelmed.  

4. Scheduling apps

Once you start using an online diary to schedule your appointments you can help your clients by making your availability accessible to them. These tools let clients see your free time so they can book your services online and know when you’ll be there.  

This does take some discipline as you’ll need to ensure you block out times when you won’t be free, but it can be a huge boost to customer service as customers can see when you’re available before making an appointment.

And there are apps that let you do this across a larger team.  

5. Augmented reality

This emerging area of technology has the potential to be game changer. Imagine pointing your tablet or smartphone camera at a piece of equipment and seeing a schematic of how it works. Then add data, coming from sensors on the device, that tells you what components aren’t working correctly. This is what augmented reality promises.  

Augmented reality takes reality from the vision captured by the camera and adds data.

Technology has the potential, when used wisely, to boost customer service and save you from the tedium of admin. The trick is to not get distracted by sales pitches and focus on what matters most to you.  

Don’t try to solve all your problems at once. Choose a problem to solve and lay the foundation for your tech strategy. Then progressively add to that until you optimise. Remember, you don’t create a great campfire with the biggest log first. You start with kindling and then progressively add larger bits of wood until you get things roaring.

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